
Under this section of our website, we have provided information to further assist you in understanding and gathering information in your case.  The Links section of the site provides links to other websites with helpful information and reports on various topics related to personal injury, links to legal associations, and links to assist you in finding an attorney or in further researching your issue. There are also links to various consumer information sites, as well as a link to maps and  information on Atlanta area hospitals.

The FAQs section answers some of the more commonly asked questions brought by individuals who become involved with a personal injury case for the first time.

Click on our Legal Terms section to view an explanation of commonly used terms in personal injury law.

How to Value Your Claim explains the various factors that are taken into consideration when determining the value of your personal injury case.

Please take a moment to look through our Resources section, and if you should have further questions, please either contact us online or call our offices at 404-541-9330.  We are happy to assist you in any way possible with your case.

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The Bennett Law Group is a trial firm dedicated to representing Plaintiffs in Personal Injury Litigation, with a focus on Catastrophic Injury, Wrongful Death, Medical Negligence, Products Liability, and Automobile Collisions.
Two Midtown Plaza, Suite 1995, 1349 W. Peachtree Street
United States
Two Midtown Plaza, Suite 1995
1349 W. Peachtree Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30309